Friday, March 27, 2015

Kent Ch. 8
1. Some ways to branch out and build connections outside the classroom are using blogs and digital story telling. Consulting with experts and communicating with other classes is a great way to build connections outside the class.
2. The (East) Initiative Model stands for Environmental and Spatial Technologies. This network of schools have been demonstrating benefits of using technology for real purpose to solve problems and make improvements in their communities. Students master sophisticated tools and applications in order to solve community issues that the students are interested in.
3. Some reasons to let student "lead" their projects are: they often times are more interested and can find ideas they are truly passionate about. By doing  their own resources and work they can come to their own conclusions and often decide to go above and beyond with their work. Some students may even make a resource for other students and people to use.
4. Concepts in this chapter relate directly to what we are doing in our project. We are finding different ways to use technology as well as using and finding our own resources. By the time our project is done we will have created something that community members as well as other interested parties can use.


  1. I agree, allowing students to lead their own projects is a great way for them to go beyond the classwork and find their own conclusions. I really like how you compared this chapter to your group project as well.

  2. I'm interested in seeing how your groups retreat turns out, I think it is a great idea and could actually be used at a school! I agree that this chapter is useful for coming up with different ideas for technology that we can use for our group projects

  3. I like how you included that community members can also access our work. What we do in this class is not just for our class to see, everyone can access what we do. Great post!
