Friday, January 30, 2015

1. As we start our journey through project based learning we need to keep in mind: that Today's students are up to the challenge, projects are worth the effort, students live and learn in the real world, and new contexts encourage the project approach.
2. Overall benefits of the PBL approach Projects form the centerpiece of the curriculum, students engage in real-world activities and practice the strategies of authentic disciplines, students work collaboratively to solve problems that matter to them, technology is integrated as a tool for discovery, and projects can cross geographic boundaries or even jump time zones.
3. The benefits of students who participate in PBL development of good communication skills to break through cultural misunderstanding and find consensus, development of inquiry skills, learn to be flexible in working hours, a fuller understanding of how the world works, and a feeling that they as individuals can change the world.
4.The issues that need to be considered in PBL are: your learning goals, how you talk and engage with students, classroom management, physical arrangement of your class, how you think about assessments, what you collect, and how you communicate with your parents and collleagues.
5. New Tech High as an example of New Technology Model is a good example but there are problems. Due to the fact that it is small by design more attention per individual student is capable, but students are chosen by lottery so not everyone has a chance to attend this type of school. On the plus side technology is used and encouraged, teachers are given time and incentive to work together, assessments are given in multiple areas of the same project, and good ideas are shared. I feel this is a good model but its broadened use is going to prove difficult in many aspects.


  1. I completely agree with you that this model is great but that it would be difficult to implement on a broader scale. The more individualized attention helps to make this model work. Would this model still work as effectively with larger class sizes? I would love to see what would happen if they were to bring this model into an average public school without all of the technological advantages that New Tech High has. Great post!

  2. Kent,
    I appreciated how your answers to the questions were concise and to the point, I was able to see all the key points in your responses and easily understand them.I agree with you that PBL is a good model but will have difficulties when it comes to achieving success with its broadened use. What do you think is the biggest benefit of PBL? I think it is the improved communication skills. I find communication skills to be a very important of the learning process, especially when it comes to the PBL approah. Great work!
